

The product is prepared according to the old traditions. The recipe is complemented by a bouquet of spices that give the product excellent taste and smell.

The product has received the award "Product of the Year 2017".


National Development Plan
National Development Plan
SIA „Gaļas pārstrādes uzņēmums Nākotne” 2017.gada 26.janvārī noslēdza ar LIAA līgumu SKV-L-2017/36 par atbalsta saņemšanu pasākuma “Starptautiskās konkurētspējas veicināšana” ietvaros, ko līdzfinansē Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonds.
On the 26th of 2017 „Gaļas pārstrādes uzņēmums Nākotne” Ltd. has signed the agreement No. SKV-L-2017/36 with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) for the project “International competitiveness promotion”, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.